New Payments Platform – another cog in the automation wheel By David Smith from Smithink on Jul 18, 2017

Are you aware of the New Payments Platform (NPP) ( being developed by the RBA and the banks? It’s not too far away.
The promise for accountants is that it has the potential to take data feeds to a whole new level. As I’m sure you’re painfully aware, the amount of data you can send with a banking transaction is limited to a few characters. The NPP changes address this shortcoming. Much more data can be sent with sending documents also in the mix.
All of this will have the potential to enrich data feeds with much more data to enable machine learning technologies to interpret the data and auto code even more transactions with greater accuracy.
Efficiency of banking transactions for you and your clients will also be enhanced with instant transfers being just one example.
At ATSA on October 16-17 in Sydney, the New Payments Platform CEO, Adrian Lovney, will present the NPP and we’ll discuss it’s impact on accountants, bookkeepers and their clients.
Make sure you stay up to date with the latest technologies. Find out more and register now for ATSA 2017. Early bird ends July 31.
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