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Time to rethink your financial planning strategy?

By David Smith from Smithink on Nov 9, 2015

Few are happy about the changes that are coming on 1 July next year. It…

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How to avoid technology depression

By David Smith from Smithink on Sep 5, 2015

In the 1980s some psychologist in the US conducted an experiment with immigrants from the…

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The Virtual Delegate

By David Smith from Smithink on Sep 4, 2015

It’s the promise of the NBN. Beautiful high fidelity communications across the country. The challenge…

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What Business Advisory Tools Do I Choose?

By Mark Holton from Smithink on Sep 3, 2015

With a growing number of business advisory software tools on and entering the accounting market…

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Do your services rate 10/10?

By Peter Towers from ESS Biztools Pty Ltd on Aug 4, 2015

What do your clients really think about the services that you are providing? How would…

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Developing your Business Advisory Service Brand

By Mark Holton from Smithink on Aug 1, 2015

In today’s dynamic accounting market, brands are so much a part of our day to…

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Foster deeper engagement – encourage the development of self-mastery

By Mandy Holloway from Courageous Leaders on Jul 11, 2015

Most leaders in professional service firms have spent years defining themselves by the skills they’ve…

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Suicide Mission?

By David Smith from Smithink on Jun 23, 2015

Why did I do it? I started with hopes and dreams. I believed I could…

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The Value Added Challenge

By Mark Holton from Smithink on Jun 5, 2015

Good profitability, strong, sustainable cash flow, growing return and being client-focused go hand in hand…

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The Service Every Small Business Needs

By David Smith from Smithink on May 8, 2015

When you talk to your clients about their business what quickly becomes very clear is…

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Achieving Your Cloud Based Potential

By Peter Tobin from Cloud IT on Apr 8, 2015

We have all no doubt studiously trawled over the various annual reports available on Accounting…

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Business Valuations and Indications – A Unique Advisory Opportunity

By Mark Holton from Smithink on Apr 8, 2015

Business Valuation is always a hot topic of conversation at accounting events, particularly business advisory…

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