Archive for March 2017
The Top 5 Strategies for Accounting Practice Leadership – Part One
One of the most important qualities of a great leader of an accounting practice is the ability to get along with people, to show compassion and to make others feel good about themselves. This article is part one of a two-part series providing some tips in becoming a great leader in your practice, that others…
Read MoreThe Accountants Ten Steps to Better Customer Service
I was recently asked “what are the key things you see in successful accounting firms when it comes to client or customer service?” I am passionate about customer service and have summarised below my top 10 steps to better customer service; You are in business to service customer needs, and you can only do that…
Read MoreReport as Though You Are the Client
As I’m sure you’re aware, big data and data analytics has the potential to transform the profession in analysing financial results and providing new insights to clients regarding the performance of their business. Projects like Chartered Accountants Australia+New Zealand Kairos are attempting to apply the data/data analytics theories to real world small businesses. There is…
Read MoreAccountants and ‘Raving Fans’, Is It Possible?
If you had asked me that question when I first got into accounting many decades ago (don’t ask how many) I would have fallen off my seat with laughter. Who in their right mind would want to see their accountant, let alone speak highly of them. And yet, as I visit accounting firm after accounting…
Read MoreWhat SME’s Really Want From Their Accountant
I’ll give you a hint… it’s not “how much tax do I owe?” Today’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are looking for more from us… their accountant. With the explosion of cloud-based accounting solutions our clients have better access to data and information than they ever have before. They don’t need us to tell them…
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