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Accountants should be key providers of financial advice

financial services solution concept

“I’ve been lucky to get some good overtime, but I’m being taxed quite a bit. Should I salary sacrifice into my partner’s super? Debt recycle? Or just stay the course with working, saving, and paying down the mortgage?” This is the kind of question accountants are frequently asked. And naturally so. Accountants are among the…

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Developing the Best Diversified Income Model for Your Accounting Firm

diversified income concept

Are you looking to accelerate your accounting firm’s growth through diversified income channels? Many firms find that their traditional business advisory services need to perform better, with stagnant revenue growth and slim profit margins. Successful diversification into business advisory services can often feel elusive. With increasing pressure on fees for compliance and transactional services, now…

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Becoming a Memorable Leader

leader concept

As an ambitious leader, you want to be someone that people recognise and remember, don’t you? Being a memorable leader can be easy because people tell their “horror stories” fairly regularly. If you think back on the leaders who stand out in your mind, it’s probably the ones who made mistakes who are remembered. You…

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