The Accountants’ Guide to Fishing
January is the month for holidays, for relaxing, for contemplation. For me that involves spending time at Port Stephens out on the water trying to skillfully convince a succulent fish to hop onto my line. As anyone knows such an exercise involves a great deal of patience. As I have sat in the sun replenishing…
Read MoreHard decisions
You know the feeling. You come to the office and get stuck into your “To Do” list. You focus on addressing those day-to-day business issues – but lurking in the corner like a bad smell are those things that you know that you need to do but you just can’t bring yourself to do it.…
Read MoreWhat does your business need….an Online Business Manager or a Virtual Assistant?
The demand for remote support and management services has soared over the last few years, particularly after COVID*. When I started working remotely 14 years ago, working from home was pretty new. And I am still working for my first client from back then, who was located in the same city. It just made sense…
Read MoreUnlock your Strategy Development Services
One of the best ways accounting firms can expand their business advisory service offering is to provide strategy development services to clients. Not only does this set the client’s strategic business direction: it offers a variety of additional value-added engagement opportunities. Perhaps the ideal first step is to undertake a strategic planning workshop on your…
Read MoreUnlocking the Secret of Being a Gun Leader
Leadership skills are essential to progressing your career for a wide range of reasons including: You already know that and will undoubtedly be looking forward to discovering more about this (and other insights) at the 2023 Young Guns Workshop. There is one leadership skill that isn’t often mentioned that truly is a critical one. It’s…
Read MoreTime for some New Year’s resolutions?
Happy New Year! I hope that your year has been a great success and that you’re not getting lapped. Hopefully your 2022 work is cleared away and ready for the 2023 work to start. If you’ve been on holiday with the kids I hope you haven’t been caught up in the airport chaos. Whether or…
Read MoreUnleashing Growth Potential: Developing a Niche Industry Market for Your Firm
Golf professionals require accounting firms that go beyond compliance services, offering valuable advisory services to improve their financial position both on and off the course. Drawing from 18 years of experience in the industry, I have identified the top ten actions that accounting firms can provide to add value to golf professionals’ financial strategies. Discover…
Read MoreSo, will AI be the end of the world (or at least the accounting profession)?
You’d have to be a hermit without an internet connection to have missed all the noise being made about ChatGPT and other AI bots. In some people’s minds, they are harbingers of the end of the world. They are certainly interesting. It is that interest that has seen the fastest take-up of a technology in…
Read MoreLeading the new generation of accountants
This month we are looking at something a bit different. I have asked my daughter Jessica (Jess) Holton, a 34-year-old skilled graduate journalist working in digital media and fiercely independent, as only a father would know, to comment on the new generation of employees, particularly in the accounting industry, and how to manage them. Here…
Read MoreInsight from your peers
One of the challenges when running your own business is that it can be a lonely place. You’re making decisions based on your own experience and those of your partners if you’re in partnership. The insights and decisions you make can be self-reinforcing as they’re based on what is already happening and past experience in…
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