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The power of digital marketing – COVID-19 has proven it

In the early days of the COVID-19 crisis, some firms quickly got on the front foot and ramped up their digital marketing activities. For many it has been a highly successful experience with new clients being won and relationships with existing clients deepened. Many other firms have been highly sceptical that new business can be…

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COVID-19 and the impact on the charitable sector

This month I thought we would look at something a little different. The past few months have certainly posed challenges for our accounting firms and clients as well as the not for profit charitable sector. With restrictions easing I believe it is time to start looking at recovery services to try to get back to…

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How to Get the Bank to Say Yes – Now and in the Future

More and more there is a compelling need to deal effectively deal with Banks. In the current environment many businesses are looking towards the Banks for assistance with managing COVID-19 consequences through suspending repayments for set periods and support with loans for operational cash flow and the like. Even before the Global Pandemic interrupted our…

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Watch that little red dot (reprise)

A few years ago I wrote this piece about the need to develop new skills to be able to present effectively to a camera. In this time when so many are working remotely, the skill is even more important than ever. It’s worth another read… Do you dread the request to have a video Zoom,…

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Smithink and Cash Flow Story special COVID-19 offer

As you know, the team at Smithink and Cash Flow Story are passionate about helping the accounting profession in the advisory space, with a particular focus on Profit, Cash Flow and Business Value. Cash flow has never been more relevant given the current situation with the COVID-19 virus around the world. As a result, the…

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Talking with your peers is more important than ever

In this new world where so many of us are working at home, one can quickly feel quite isolated. Many practitioners are facing challenges that would be unthinkable even a few weeks ago. Bringing practitioners together to share experiences and approaches to challenges is even more critical to help firms develop strategies to address the…

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The challenge of margin squeeze

As part of our online collaboration network sessions, we benchmark the firms in the group. One observation that comes from this activity and also with working with other firms more generally is that many firms are seeing a squeeze on their margins. That is, salary costs are rising faster than the fees are increasing. The…

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Business advisory using a divisional approach

As we enter a new decade, I have been thinking about the ongoing issue in the industry around getting a systematic and profitable business advisory service happening with accounting firms. The two “C’s” arise again and again; being a lack of commitment to change and create a new practice model and capacity (time) to actually…

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Clear as mud

Often when I am undertaking a firm review I see documents and emails of advice that are many pages long and contain a wealth of technical jargon and references to legislation and cases. There is no doubt that a lot of work has been done and that the advice is probably right. However, it is…

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